Pilot Intentionally Crashes Plane Into IRS, CIA, And FBI Complex In Austin, TX

Source: AP
Update 5: The IRS gave us this statement: “We can confirm that a small plane hit a building in Austin, Texas that includes IRS offices. This is the Echelon 1 Building, which houses about 190 IRS employees. We are still in the process of accounting for all of our employees. We will be providing updates as more information becomes available.”Update 4: This appears to be Stack’s manifesto.
Update 3: The Pilot has been identified as software engineer Joseph Andrew Stack.
Update 2: Now CNN is reporting that the crash was intentional, citing an official.
Update: Fox News is reporting that the pilot actually set is house on fire in Waco before taking off to Texas.
Original post: Here’s the latest on the Austin Texas plane crash. The fear is that this may have been intentional:
From the Austin-American Statesman:
According to an FBI agent who asked not to be identified because he isn’t authorized to release information, the incident is being investigated as an accident, although eyewitnesses said the plane seemed to come in at full throttle. He said the plane was out of Waco and that Federal Aviation Administration officials are en route to the scene.
The agent said it was believed the plane had come from Waco, and that witnesses said it had hit the building at full-throttle.
FBI sources said that the eyewitness accounts saying that the plane did not slow down is making some authorities wonder if it was an intentional act.
FBI spokesman Bill Carter said the building hit by a plane at the Echelon office complex did not contain an FBI office. While the FBI has an office at the complex, the plane did not crash into that particular building, Carter said.
William Winnie, an Internal Revenue Service agent, said he was in a training session on the third floor of the building when he saw a light-colored, single engine plane coming at the building.
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