Posts tagged with "robotics"
‘Terminator’ arm is world’s most advanced prosthetic limb
Robotic Drumming Prosthesis
SCHAFT : DARPA Robotics Challenge 8 Tasks + Special Walking
Valkyrie: NASA’s New Bipedal Robot
Latest DARPA abomination unto humanity not furloughed
Targeted Muscle Re-innveration (TMR) for Advanced Prosthetic Control
Bonston Dynamics ratchets up the creepiness
Drone round-up
LS3 accepts voice commands and navigates around obstacles
Petman navigates obstacles and LS3 trots around
HRP-4 does some tricks
Versatile new robotic mower/trimmer/scrubber
PETMAN’s comin for ya
Boston Dynamics Cheetah running at 18mph
Creepy swarming quadrotors
Asimo runs around then pours some juice
Humanoid robot rides a bicycle
High speed robot hand
Quadrocopter Ball Juggling, ETH Zurich
Robot Walker
Another death machine
Boston Dynamics Wins Darpa Contract To Develop LS3 Robot Mule (It’s a Bigger BigDog)
From the human-hating defense contractors that brought you the Big Dog…
Mechanized exoskeleton technology ready for deployment
closer, now…
Man controls robotic hand with thoughts