Posts tagged with "CIA"
Some things never change
John Stockwell: The Third World War
David Wilcock exposed as a hoaxer [updated]
CIA money behind Wi-Fi Positioning System (WPS)
Nuke that thing now, part 4
Wayne Madsen: Wikileaks is a CIA Front
TWA 800 was shot down by one or more surface-to-air missiles
Robert Byrd: Former “Exalted Cyclops” of the KKK, alleged Project Monarch slave handler, and longest-serving US senator
Facebook adds face detection for photos, only 1% of users have it so far
Hip hop artist T Pain shilling for CIA mockingbird agent Hannity
Swiss Smugglers of A.Q. Khan Nuclear Secrets Worked With CIA
Patriot Act reauthorized under cover of jobs bill
UN: Drug money saved banks
In Lies We Trust – Dr Leonard Horowitz
NY Times: Afghan Opium Kingpin On CIA Payroll
MK Ultra in Canada- Secret mind control experiments on humans (vid)
Bush & MKULTRA: Satanic killer who Bush pardoned while Governor, BOTH in same cult in ’80s
Former High-Ranking Intelligence Officer: Cheney Responsible for 9/11
Susan Lindauer Reveals Facts about 9/11 Warning